Jan 26, 2019 You can find your product's model number on a plate affixed to the product or in the owner's manual. Even though parts may look the same, there are often variances in similar parts and it is important to buy parts that fit your specific model. Whitfield Pellet Stove 1/2' Door Rope Gasket Kit. Whitfield Advantage II-T, III Premium. Pellet, Wood and Gas Stove Parts for Whitfield, Earth Stove, Breckwell, Quadrafire, Jamestown, Austroflamm stoves and much more. Wood Heat Stoves. Repair Service for Whitfield Advantage II Plus Pellet Circuit Control Board at Pelletstovepro.net - online technical consultant for your pellet stove, gas fireplace in California. For further detail call @.
Whitfield Operating Instructions (shortversion)
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Congratulations on the purchase of your Whitfield Pellet Stove!
When you purchased your Whitfield you joined other ranks of thousands of concernedindividuals who's answer to their home heating system reflected their concern foraesthetics, efficiency, and our environment. We extend our continued support to helpyou achieve the maximum benefit and enjoyment available from your pellet stove.
Please familiarize yourself with this Owner's Manual before installing your Whitfieldstove. This manual covers, in detail, the necessary steps required in assembling andinstalling your Whifield Pellet stove in a safe manner.
We at Pyro Industries, Inc., the manufacturer of the 'Original Pellet Stove' thank youfor selecting a Whitfield as the answer to your home heating needs.
All of us at Pyro Industries, Inc.
The Whitfleld Advantage has been designed to burn wood residue pellets and non-wood pellets with up to3% ash content (i.e... cardboard, nut hulls etc...). Agricultural pellets (i.e... corn, alfalfa etc..) are notpermitted to be burned in your stove. Dirty fuel will adversely affect the performance of the stove.Caution: The use of dirty, wet and/or high sodium content fuel may void the warranty!
Wood pellets manufactured to the Association of Pellet Fuel Industries (A.P.F.I..) Certification Standardare available in two grades, 'Standard' and 'Premium'. The primary difference between the two is the ashcontent of the pellets ('premium' has 1% or less ash content) ('Standards' has up to 3% ash content)
The A.P.F.I., specification for 'Standard Grade' residential pellet fuel Is asfollows:
HEAT CONTENT: 8200 BTU/lb. minimum
BULK DENSITY: 40 Ib./ cu. ft. minimum
ASH CONTENT: 3% maximum size: 1/4' to 3/8'diameter, 11/2' long maximum
FINES: 0.5% maximum through a 1/8' screen
Silica (or sand) in the fuel, along with other impurities, can cause clinkering. A clinker is a hard mass ofsilica formed in the burning process. Clinkering is a function of the fuel, (not the stove), but adverselyaffects the performance of the stove by blocking off the air holes in the grate. Even an A.P.F.I.. approvedpellet fuel may tend to clinker. A clinker can be removed from the burn grate and placed in the ash panwith the use of the grate scraper / ash pan tool. See Routine Maintenance for more information oncleaning.
The frequency of removal of the ash and maintenance performed on the stove is directly proportional tothe ash content of the fuel. A stove burning fuel with .25% ash content may only need to be cleaned outonce every 1 to 2 weeks. However, a stove burning a fuel with 3% ash content may need cleaning every 1to 2 days.
PLEASE NOTE: Pyro Industries, Inc., has no control over the manufacturing of pellet fuel and will not beheld responsible for poor stove performance or any damage caused by inferior pellet fuels.
Different brands of pellets will feed at varying rates due to their size and density. This may require aslight adjustment from the factory setting by adjusting the damper rod 'in' or 'out' as needed.
Pellet Stove Inserts For Fireplaces
PRE INSTALLATION ASSEMBLY 1. After removing the packaging from the stove, lift the hopper lid, and remove all pre-packaged itemsfrom the hopper. Also open the combustion chamber door and remove all pre-packaged items. |
DAMPER ROD ASSEMBLY Remove the damper rod, handle and set collar from the box. Insert one end into the hole on the left sideof the stove. Thread the rod into the press nut on the damper paddle. (You won't be able to see this nut.)The Damper Rod is preset at 2 1/4'. Pull the rod to its fully extended position and measure from the sideof the stove to the inside of the collar. If this distance is not 2 1/4', move the collar as needed andretighten the set screw with an Allen wrench. Push the rod in until the collar rests against the side of thestove. |
1. Locate proper position for the type 'L' wall thimble (F). Use a saber saw or key hole saw to cut theproper diameter hole through the wall to accommodate the wall thimble. (G) Install the wall thimble in thehole.
2. Position the stove approximately 12' from the wall on the floor pad. Push type 'L' pipe (D) through wallthimble (F). Squeeze a bead of high temperature silicone (RTV) sealer (A) around the end of themachined portion of the 3' pipe connector on the back of the stove (B). Firmly push on a section of type'L' pipe (D) until inner pipe liner pushes into the bead of RTV sealer.
3. Push the stove (with pipe attached) towards wall. Pipe (D) will go through the wall thimble (F). Positionstove no closer than 1 ' to the wall.
4. Install type 'L' 45 degree elbow (H) with rodent screen cap (optional) on outside end of pipe. NOTE:The end of the exhaust pipe must extend a minimum of 12' from the outside of the building. Rodentscreen should not be less than 3/8' in mesh.
5. If installing with combustion air from outside; cut a separate hole through the wall for the fresh air tube(E). This tube must be 1 5/8' (min.) diameter, steel only. Connect outside air pipe to air inlet on stove (C).This tube must be terminated with a 90 degree elbow or hood. Air may also be drawn from the crawlspace under the home.
To Install A Wall Thermostat:
1. Check the type of thermostat you are about to install, Solid State thermostats are NOTapproved for use with the Advantage Series pellet stoves. Consult your authorized Whit field Dealer for more details 2. Unplug your stove from the wall outlet 3. Locate the thermostat connection block on the back of the stove. 4. Remove the jumper wire from the 'jacks' on the connection block. 5. Insert the two wires from your thermostat into the jacks (one per jack). 6. Plug in the stove and you are ready to operate with your thermostat! |
NOTE: If the jumper wire is missing, and you do not have a thermostat installed,your stove will operate on Heat Output position # 1 all the time and at all settings.
CONTROLS· Start Switch - The push button start switch activates theconvection and the combustion blowers. If the exhausttemperature does not reach operating temperature within 30minutes, the stove will automatically shut down. The blowers canbe restarted by pushing the START SWITCH again. · Auger On/Off Switch - The Auger On/Off switch activates the fuelfeed (auger) motor only. The light located just above the switchwill blink when the auger is turning. The Start switch has to beactivated to give power to the Auger On/Off switch. When theAuger On/Off switch is pressed a second time, the fuel feed willstop and the blowers will continue to operate until the stove hascooled sufficiently. · Heat Output Switch - When not using the optional thermostat, theHeat Output switch provides the ability to burn at separate fivesettings. The Heat Output switch regulates the fuel feed settingand the combustion air supply simultaneously. · Blower Speed Switch - The Blower Speed switch controls thespeed of the convection fan. Pressing this switch will increase ordecrease the amount of heat exiting the stove. THE BLOWERSPEED MUST BE AT THE MAXIMUM #5 SETTING WHEN THEHEAT OUTPUT SWITCH IS ON THE #5 POSITION. |
· Damper Control - The 'push/pull' rod located on the lower left-hand side of the stove will NOT need to be manually adjustedevery time you turn the fuel feed rate up or down. However, thedamper allows the air-to-fuel-ratio to be 'fine tuned'. The properair setting will vary from stove to stove depending on installationconfiguration, altitude and type of fuels being burned. If the flameis a smoky red/orange with evidence of soot at the top, pull thedamper out until the flame begins to 'dance'. If the flame is shortat the higher heat output settings, or the fire goes out on the #1setting, loosen the set collar and push the damper approximately1/4' in towards the stove. Lock the set color in place against theside panel of the stove.
NOTE: If the proper flame cannot be achieved with the dampercontrol, adjustment of the trim controls may be necessary.
· Combustion Fan Trim - The Combustion Fan Trim is located justabove the Heat Output Selector switch. Turning the Trim Controlcounter clockwise will decrease the amount of combustion airentering the burn grate. Turning the control clockwise willincrease the amount of combustion air entering the burn grate.The Trim Control is factory set at the (0) position.
· Auger Trim Control - The Auger Trim Control is located justabove the Auger On/Off switch. Turning the Trim Control counterclockwise will decrease the amount of fuel delivered to the burngrate. Turning the control clockwise will increase the amount offuel delivered to the burn grate. The trim control is factory set atthe (0) position.
Web Master: There is a new digital (no dials) control panel if yours dies.
These trim controls should be adjusted as a last resort. Alwaysadjust the damper control first.
When lighting your Whitfield Stove for the first time, the auger feed tube must be primed with pellets.
To prime the auger feed tube:
1. Fill the hopper with recommended pellet fuel and plug the stove into the wall outlet.
2. Press the START switch on the control panel. This will activate both blowers. Press the Auger ON/OFFswitch on the control panel. This will activate the auger motor. Next, press the heat output switch toposition #5 (maximum feed rate).
3. Look through the combustion chamber door and when you see the first pellets dropping into the gratethe auger is then fully primed. It will take 10 to 15 minutes to prime the auger.
4. Once the auger is primed, unplug the stove to turn off the blowers and auger for a minimum of 30seconds. You need only do this when priming the auger. Once the stove is shut down, plug it into the walloutlet again.
Whitfield Advantage Ii-t Classic Pellet Stove User Manual 2016
1. Place a recommended fire starter (see your dealer for appropriate fire starter in your area) in the burngrate and put a handful of pellets on top of the starter. DO NOT USE FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS TO STARTYOUR STOVE.
2. Light the fire starter in the grate with a match and close the door. Press the heat output selector switchto position 3.
3. After approximately 10 seconds, press the START SWITCH. You will notice that the fire will becomeactive and there will be air coming from the heat exchanger tubes.
4. After the pellets in the grate are burning sufficiently (red hot coals), press the Auger ON/OFF switch:this will activate the auger motor. and pellets will begin to feed into the burn grate. Your blower motors willcontinue to operate.
5. After the pellets are burning well, press the HEAT OUTPUT selector to the desired setting. Combustionair and the pellet fuel feed rate will adjust automatically as the HEAT OUTPUT selector switch is pressed.The flame should be bright yellow in color and there should be no evidence of soot formation at the top ofthe flame. Press the Blower Speed control knob to increase or decrease the desired amount of convectionair from your stove.
If operating your stove with a wall thermostat, adjust the heat output selector switch to the desireddemand mode (#2 through #5 on the heat output selector switch). Next, adjust the wall mountedthermostat to the desired heat and your stove will automatically switch itself between a demand modeand a pilot mode.
PROPER BURN CHARACTERISTICS: Your flame should be bright yellow under normal operation. Ifyour flame becomes reddish/orange, your stove probably needs routine maintenance. Excessive amountsof fly ash build-up in the grate, clinkers in the grate, or leakage of air if the grate is not properly seated willstarve the fire for air. (See ROUTINE MAINTENANCE for information on cleaning the stove). If theproblem persists review the trouble-shooting section at the end of this manual.
PELLET FEED: The pellet feed system is designed to handle a wide range of pellet sizes. Different pelletscan feed at considerably different rates. If the stove will not stay alight at the minimum fuel feed setting,those particular pellets may not be feeding fast enough. If this happens, adjust the damper rod (on theside of the stove) in or out to achieve a proper burn.
PELLET SIZE: You may notice a difference in the burn if you change pellet fuel sizes. The bigger thepellet, the slower it will feed and vice versa.
LONG BURN TIME: Thestove may be safely operated on a continuous basis, but it is recommended thatit be turned down overnight or when the room is vacated for long periods of time. A 40 lb. bag of pelletsshould last approximately 10 hours on high and 35 hours (or more) on low, depending on the type andsize of pellets you are burning.
Power Outage
During a power outage, the stove will shut down safely. It will not automatically restart when the power isrestored unless the exhaust is still up to temperature. A small amount of smoke may leak from the top ofthe window glass, the hopper and from the combustion air intake. This will not persist for more than 3 to 5minutes and will not be a safety hazard.
To re-light the stove, follow the normal procedure for starting your stove.
NOTE: If you are installing this pellet stove in an area that is prone to frequent power outages, it isrecommended that there be a minimum of 3' (Feet) of vertical vent pipe included in the installation toinduce a natural draft in the event of a power failure.
A high temperature switch will automatically shut down the stove if it overheats. The stove will need to bemanually re-lit. Allow 45 minutes before re-lighting.
Press the Auger On/Off Switch to the 'OFF' position. This will turn the auger motor off and pellets willstop feeding. Both blowers will continue to operate for a period of time (up to 45 minutes) until theexhaust temperature cools sufficiently. The blowers will automatically turn off at that point.
If you have purchased the optional FASTFIRE Self-igniter from your dealer, you will need to performthe following start-up procedure:
1. Make sure the auger is primed (see Pre-Lighting Instructions above), then simply push the Startbutton on the control board to activate the igniter.
2. Press the Auger On/Off Switch to the 'ON' position.
3. While the pellets will ignite on any heat output setting' it is recommended that the Heat Output Knob beset to position #3 or #4.
4. Pellets will start feeding into the grate and should begin to ignite within three to seven minutes. Theself igniter will automatically shut off after 15 minutes.
The amount of fly ash bulid-up in your stove is directly proportional to the ash content of the fuel that youare using (see PELLETS, page 6). After a period of time (a week, or so) inspect the heat exchangertubes, the burn grate, and the ash traps behind the fire brick. You will want to gauge your routinemaintenance accordingly.
· Burn Grate . Heat Exchanger Tubes
· Ash Pan
· Ash Traps and Baffles
Burn Grate: The bum grate should be inspected periodically to assure that the air holes have not becomeclogged with ash or clinkers. The burn grate can easily be cleaned with the grate scraper/ash pan tool, orit can be removed for cleaning. It is very important to monitor the ash build up under the burn grate, asexcessive build up may starve the fire of combustion air. When burning 'Standard' grade pellets, it willbe necessary to clean the ash pan more often than when burning 'Premium' grade pellets.
Heat Exchanger Tubes: located above the combustion chamber door is used for cleaning thetubes. By pulling this rod in and out a few times, you will clean the fly ash off the heat exchangertubes. If your stove was recently turned off, the rod may still be hot. Handy Hint: you may wantto wrap a damp cloth around the rod when you clean the tubes. This will prevent fly ash frombeing drawn into your house from the pulling action of the rod.
Ash Pan: The ash pan will have to be emptied whenever necessary. First, remove the ash pan trimpiece located below the door. Grasp the knob located on the ash pan door and swing the dooropen. Then, using the ash pan/grate scraper tool, lift the grate out and sweep the top ash into thepan, below. Then, remove the ash pan with the tool. Be sure to gently dump the ashes into a non-combustible container. When finished, slide the ash pan back into the stove and close the ash pandoor and replace the ash pan trim piece.
Cleaning of Ash Trap Baffles: Access to the ash trap baffles (behind the two side firebricks) isobtained by loosening the screws that hold the 'Brick Retention Plates' in place and lifting theclips away from the stove. After the clips have been removed, remove each side brick first, thenthe center firebrick. Thoroughly clean out areas where ash has collected behind the firebrick. Theamount of time between cleanings will be directly related to the ash content of the pellet fuel beingburned. Excessive ash build up in the baffle area behind the brick panels will restrict the exhaustpassages and cause less combustion air to enter the firebox and which can lead to poorperformance and a 'dirty burn'.
Handy Hint: After the first 10-20 bags of fuel, you may want to remove the firebrick anddetermine the rate at which the fly ash is building build up within the stove. Contact your dealerfor more information should you have any questions regarding this procedure..
The following areas need to be inspected as part of routine maintenance:
Door Rope Gasket: The condition of the rope gasket around the door and windows should be checkedperiodically and replaced or repaired if necessary.
Exhaust Vent: Inspect frequently and clean when necessary. Fly ash will accumulate at all bends in theexhaust system. Large amounts of fly ash will starve the fire for air.
Motor Lubrication: The two blower motors require lubrication annually with not more than two drops ofhigh temperature turbine oil (available from your dealer) at the lubrication points shown below.
Trouble Shooting
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When your new stove is installed; the exhaust should hooked up, the stoveplugged in and the fire started. Check for proper operation at all heat outputsettings (#1 - #5). Look for a brisk yellow flame with no black tips.
Any adjustments for combustion air should be made at the damper by varyingthe spacing between the side of the stove and the inside of the damper setcollar. The factory setting on the damper, as noted above, should correspondwith the model you have.
If the fire goes out on the #1 setting, you will want to decrease thecombustion air flow. Loosen the set collar and push the damper in by 1/4'intervals. Tighten the collar at its new position (2 1/2' - 2 3/4').
If the fuel is building up in the bum grate at the higher heat output settings,you will want to increase the amount of available combustion air. Loosen the setcollar on the damper rod and pull the damper out. Do this 1/4' at a time. Tightenthe collar at its new position (1 3/4' - 2').
After making any adjustment to the damper set collar, pull the damper rod outfully and re-check the dimension between the stove side panel and the inside ifthe set collar.
Should you find that the fire is still not burning properly, contact your authorizedWhitfield Dealer for assistance.
Part No. 60020008
Technical Bulletin
Small Pellet Stove
'Break-in' Period On All Advantage Series Stoves
Please be advised that there is a 'break-in'5 period for all Advantage Series Stoves. It isimportant to understand and make note of the following items when you first light yourstove.
What to look for:
· During the first day or two of operation, it may appear that the flamepattern is somewhat short and vigorous. This is due to the 'break-in' period of the auger motor.
·During this period, the auger motor will gradually speed up it's rotation cycle as the gearbox wears in. This will correspondingly increase the fuel feed rate. The flame pattern willgrow accordingly, and the damper rod may need to be pulled out slightly to compensate.
·DO NOT ADJUST THE CONTROL BOARD'S INTERNAL SETTINGS AT THETIME OF INSTALLATION! All adjustments to compensate for burn characteristicsshould be done with the damper on the left hand side of the stove by moving it in or outslightly a quarter of an inch at a time. Please see your Owner's Manual or your Operation& Maintenance Video for more information about damper adjustments.